How to Treat Staph Infection at Home

What is a Staph Infection?

Staph infection is a sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteria. It is usually seen on human skin, nose, mouth, armpit or around the private parts.

Over 30 species of staphylococci bacteria exist, with only a few that cause mild to severe infection.

The most radical type of staph infection is caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The bacteria are resistant to most antibiotics, and once it enters the body through wounds, respiratory tracks or contaminated foods, the person remains an MRSA carrier.

How you get a staph infection

You can get a staph infection in so many ways including contaminated objects, foods and skin contact.

Normally, those working in public places like hospitals, veterinary homes, daycare facilities and those that stay in crowded places have greater chances of being infected.

The bacteria can stick on your skin, nose or any other part of the body and remain there for months, even years causing no problem. However, once they gain access into the body, it multiplies, causing different diseases.

Other ways you can contract staph infection  are:

  • Via sharing of clothes and towels
  • Through unprotected sex with a carrier.
  • From mother to child during childbirth or blood transfusion.

What are the signs of staph infection

The symptoms of staph infection depend on the affected area and severity of the contamination. Some can appear on the skin, others in the blood, and in food.

 The symptoms of staph infection in the skin are

  • Boil. This is a swollen, red, painful lump on the skin caused by bacterial or fungal infections in the hair follicles.
  • Impetigo. This is a contagious skin infection that affects mainly children. It appears mostly on the face,  hands, and feet. Their major symptom is a yellowish crust on the face, leg or arms.
  • Cellulitis. This is a bacterial skin infection that affects both the outer and inner layers of the skin. It usually begins as a red, swollen and painful area on the skin. The redness and swelling usually spread quickly.
  • Folliculitis. This usually occurs when the hair follicles become infected with a bacterial infection and they become inflamed. The usual symptoms are itching, rash, and pimples around hairs.
  •  Stye or Hordeolum. This is a bacterial infection that affects an oil gland in the eyelid. It starts when the glands connected to the base of the eyelash swell and become irritated. 

Symptoms of Staphylococcus in food poisoning

  • Abdominal cramp
  • Diarrhoea
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
Symptoms of staph in blood poisoning
  • Low blood pressure
  • Fever

Other serious infections caused by staph are

  • Meningitis: this affects the brain membranes
  • Pneumonia: This affects the lungs
  • Osteomyelitis: infection of the bone and bone marrow
  • Endocarditis: This affects the heart.
Staph Infection Treatment at Home

staph infection treatment at home

Since Staphylococcus aureus became resistant to most antibiotics, scientists have been searching for alternative medication.

Using antibacterial and antioxidant herbs to treat a staph infection, including other bacterial and viral diseases, has been very effective.

These medicinal plants like wonderful kola, goldenseal, garlic, and many others, have given us fresh hope of combating even MRSA infection.

Below is how you can treat staph infection in the comfort of your home
Buy quantities of these medicinal plants from your nearby market.

Put all these ingredients in a mortar or grinder and blend until the size becomes tiny.

Put it in a container and add 5 litres of water into it, allowing it for two days to ferment. Take one shot in the morning and one in the night for one month and say goodbye to staph infections.

Is Staph Infection Contagious?

Staphylococcus aureus is not contagious. You can only get infected if there is a wound on your body and it came in contact with an infected object.

Will Staph Infection Heal on Its Own? 

Yes, common staph infections (boil) can heal on its own. However, MRSA can never heal on its own. It is a life-threatening ailment that can only be controlled through professional advice.

What is the fastest way to cure staph infection?

Depending on the species that causes the infection. Some minor infections can be treated with antibiotics for some days and it will clear. However, an infection caused by MRSA cannot go easily like that. It has become resistant to most antibiotics meaning that you can hardly cure it with antibiotics. However, using herbal drugs can help flush any form of staph infection from your body.

What are the best antibiotics for a staph infection? 

The best antibiotics you will use depend on some factors like drug allergies, the severity of the infection and other health conditions. However, the most commonly prescribed antibiotics for staph infections are:

  • Macrolides. An example is erythromycin.
  • Lincosamides. For example, Lincomycin, and clindamycin.
  • B-lactams. eg flucloxacillin and oxacillin
  • Tetracycline. eg Minocycline and doxycycline
  • First-generation Cephalosporins. eg cefazolin, Cephalexin, and Cephalothin.
  •  Lionized and Vancomycin (Iv)  for severe or resistant MRSA strains.
  • Mupirocin cream. to treat nose infections.

Prevention of staph infection

To protect yourself  from getting MRSA, you must

  • Always see a doctor whenever you suspect being infected
  • Practice good hygiene always
  • Desist from sharing clothes or towels
  • Always cover wounds with bandage till it heals completely
  • Wash your hands with soap and clean water always
  • Avoid unprotected sex

Bottom line

Staph infections can be devastating, especially when it is an MRSA. Learn to practice good hygiene, eat immune-boosting foods and herbs to stay safe from getting the infection.

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